执行命令行nvidia-smi -q -x
解析xml,参考python 官方文档 xml.etree.ElementTree – The ElementTree XML API
获取进程相关信息的包psutil (python system and process utilities)。
# references:
# https://www.cnblogs.com/omgasw/p/10218180.html
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html
# https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
import os
import psutil
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import time
from pprint import pprint
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
def execute_command(command_str):
p = os.popen(command_str)
text = p.read()
return text
# command_str = 'nvidia-smi dmon -c 1'
# pwr:功耗,temp:温度,sm:流处理器,mem:显存,enc:编码资源,dec:解码资源,mclk:显存频率,pclk:处理器频率
# # gpu pwr temp sm mem enc dec mclk pclk
# Idx W C % % % % MHz MHz
# 0 112 87 19 7 0 0 5005 1480
# 1 177 83 78 8 0 0 5005 1809
# 2 93 81 31 10 0 0 5005 1809
# 3 150 83 93 54 0 0 5005 1784
def get_process_info(pid):
p = psutil.Process(pid)
# print(p.as_dict())
return p.as_dict()
def get_gpu_info():
command_str = 'nvidia-smi -q -x'
# 查询所有GPU的当前详细信息并将查询的信息以xml的形式输出
gpus_info_dict = {}
text = execute_command(command_str)
root = ET.fromstring(text)
for i, gpu_info in enumerate(root.findall('gpu')):
gpu_info_dict = {}
gpu_name = gpu_info.find('product_name').text
fb_memory_usage = gpu_info.find('fb_memory_usage')
total = fb_memory_usage.find('total').text
used = fb_memory_usage.find('used').text
free = fb_memory_usage.find('free').text
rate = int(used.split(' ')[0]) / int(total.split(' ')[0])
gpu_info_dict.update({'gpu name': gpu_name})
gpu_info_dict.update({'memory usage':{'total': total, 'used': used, 'free': free}})
gpu_info_dict.update({'gpu utilization':rate})
processes = gpu_info.find('processes')
processes_dict = {}
for process_info in processes.findall('process_info'):
pid = process_info.find('pid').text
infos = get_process_info(int(pid))
create_time = infos['create_time']
current_time = time.time()
time_difference = time.gmtime(current_time - create_time)
run_time = f'{time_difference.tm_hour}h,{time_difference.tm_min}m,{time_difference.tm_sec}s'
cmd_line = ' '.join(infos['cmdline'])
processes_dict.update({'pid': pid, 'user name':infos['username'], 'cwd':infos['cwd'], 'cmd line':cmd_line, 'run time': run_time})
gpus_info_dict.update({f'gpu:{i}':{'gpu info': gpu_info_dict, 'processes': processes_dict}})
return gpus_info_dict